TE 801: December Items

Hi all, here are your reminders for submitting your Unit 2 Project – Understanding Students’ Resistance + Rubric on VIA -not D2L- and to bring an artifact:Screen Shot 2018-12-01 at 1.01.18 PM

1. Complete & Submit part 4 of Unit 2: “Consider multiple possible solutions & make an action plan” by Sunday, Dec. 2nd by 9pm on VIA… Put all 4 parts together in 1 doc.
FYI: Revision work will be permitted until the 9th.

2. Bring an artifact* of your semester… something that you feel is characteristic of your teaching style or emerging identity as a teacher. *e.g. Assignment/assessment you made, note from a student, picture of something… something memorable (challenging, proud of etc)

Be well & take care!

Prompt on Autism via the New Yorker

Your prompt, to be posted on your site before Monday’s class, directly ties back to our discussion of The New Yorker article, Seeing the Spectrum: A New History of Autism:

screen-shot-2016-11-04-at-3-14-01-pma) Understand & Apply: How has our understanding of autism shifted over the past fifty years and why is this significant for us as educators? (2-3 sentences)
b) Analyze & Evaluate: Foucault would argue that the increased “medicalization” of our students is a negative bi-product of a society in which big pharmaceutical companies and psychiatrists wield far too much power: After reading the article and assessing your own prior knowledge, analyze this critique as an educator in 2-3 paragraphs.