History Podcasts

HOF-Cover-ArtFrom increasing your understanding of the past, to simply being entertained by good ‘ole fashioned story-telling, podcasting can be both productive and enjoyable. Here are a few interesting and popular podcasts that’ll help you be history-savvy:



Satire Paradox Prompts

Prompts for The Satire Paradox by Gladwell to be posted on your website, by Monday’s class:

FYI, Satire is defined as…

1) Talk about the argument being made in the podcast, in 2-4 sentences: what is ‘The Satire Paradox’ exactly? Further, and more specifically, how does Tina Fey’s portrayal of Sarah Palin illustrate this phenomenon?

2) Critically react to the argument of The Satire Paradox, in 4-6 sentences: After hearing from Gladwell, what does satire do to influence (or not influence) public/perspectives on political figures? Is satire effective in persuading opinions & critiquing individuals, or does satire miss the intended mark by only entertaining and watering down the true issues and figures being addressed?

Revisionist History: The Satire Paradox

rhIn an age dominated by political comedy, The Satire Paradox asks whether laughter and social protest are friends or foes.”


Link to Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcast.